Preflight and production tools-Speed up production and help reduce errors with live preflighting, document-installed fonts, background PDF file export, JDF technology, and PDF/X export. Integration with other Adobe solutions-Move smoothly from design to output, thanks to tight integration with industry-leading Adobe software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and Flash Professional. WorkĮfficiently with linked content, Content Collector tools, and more. Print publishing-Design stunning documents and print directly or as PDF files to desktop or professional printers. Publishing for digital devices-Design compelling eBooks, create cutting-edge content for tablets that can be distributed by integrating with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, and export interactive layouts as SWF or PDF files. * A Digital Publishing Suite account is required to access certain features and services that integrate with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Integrate with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite* to publish InDesign layouts as tablet applications.
New tools help you efficiently adapt layouts for multiple page sizes, screen sizes, or orientations. Adobe InDesign CS6 software gives you pixel-perfect control over design and typography so you can create elegant and engaging page layouts for print or digital media.